Thursday, January 16, 2020

"Dearly Beloved, We Are Gathered Here Today to get through this thing called Midlife..."

My 50th year on planet Earth started with this beautiful sunrise...

... and then THIS happened!
Actually I got pooped on FIRST, but the sunrise is a better lead-in, don't you think?  Which brings me to my story...
Having a random bird use me for target practice is NOT the way to get a birthday party started! I know there are some beings out there who believe this random act as a sign of good luck, but how could that be lucky for ANYONE except the dang bird!? 
I had a choice here. I could accept this gesture as universal status quo for the life I thought I would have by now, a life where my teeth, my knees, my waistline and SO many things aren't even close to where I wanted to be...
...or I could choose a higher path. A path that rolled with unforseen punches to get to this point and can realize the life I have is still possible.
So I laughed.
I laughed enough to shake the cobwebs off my heart and smile into the sunrise that I found and was able to get a beautiful picture of shortly after getting pooped on. 
So that's my first good word as I head into this thing called midlife; to be grateful for getting here, being mindful of those that should be here, and remembering that seven years ago, my story could've ended MUCH differently...
... but that's going to have to be a blog-tale for another time...